Namami Shamishan: A Devotional Tribute to the Divine Shiva

Namami Shamishan

Namami Shamishan: In Sanatan Dharma, Lord Shiva has the highest place among all the gods. People believe that Lord Shiva is a god who gets pleased easily. He becomes pleased if any devotee offers him just a pot of water with full devotion. That is why they also call him Bholenath.

If you want to get the special blessings of Lord Shiva, you should recite Namami Shamishan lyrics also known as ‘Shri Shiva Rudrashtakam’. Namami Shamishan is a wonderful prayer in itself. If an enemy is troubling you, by reciting this Rudrashtakam prayer in the morning and evening for 7 days, lord Shiva destroys even the biggest enemies in a moment and always protects his devotees. 

Today with, we will learn interesting things about “Namami Shamishan: A Devotional Tribute to the Devine Shiva”. Let us dive into this divine and melodious mantra of Lord Shiva. 

What is Namami Shamishan? 

Namami Shamishan is the divine Mantra of Lord Shiva, also known as the Rudrashtakam. By chanting this miraculous mantra devotees try to please Mahadev and he blesses them with good fortune. 

Namami Shamishan (Rudrashtakam) is composed by Tulsidas in praise of Lord Shiva. It is said that by reciting this mantra regularly a person becomes free from sin. Goswami Tulsidas composed Rudrashtakam while praising Lord Shiva with the idea of how the welfare of man in Kaliyuga will be. Recitation of Namami Shamishan every day especially on Mahashivratri is said to be very beneficial. 

As per Mythology in Ramayana, to gain victory over Ravana, Lord Shri Ram established a Shivlinga in Rameshvaram and recited Rudrashtakam Stuti ‘ Namami Shamishan’ with devotion. As a result, evil Ravana was killed by the grace of Lord Shiva. 

Importance of reciting Namami Shamishan Lyrics

Namami Shamishan is a devotional tribute to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva has the most prominent place among all the gods in Sanatan Dharma. Lord Shiva is a gentle and simple-hearted god, so it is the easiest to please Bholenath. It is said that for any devotee who praises Mahadev with true devotion, Shiva’s blessings always remain on him. 

The importance of Namami Shamishan Paath has been described in the scriptures. Shiva Rudrashtakam or Namami Shamishan is based on the form and powers of Lord Shiva. Lord Shri Ram also recited Shiva Rudrashtakam Stuti to win over an enemy like Ravana. As a result, Shri Ram killed Ravana and conquered Lanka. By chanting Shiva Rudrashtakam Paath, even the biggest enemy can be conquered.

It is mentioned in the scriptures that regular recitation of Namami Shamishan removes all troubles in a moment. It is said that by reciting Shiva Rudrashtakam, one receives the special blessings of Mahadev. By reciting Namami Shamishan, life remains joyful and the morale and good fortune of the person increases. 

Namami Shammishan Lyrics in English 

Namami Shamishan Nirvanrupam,
Vibhum Vyapakam Brahmavedasvarupam!
Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Nireeham,
Chidakashamakashavasam Bhaje’ham. 1

Nirakaramonkarmoolam Turiyam,
Gira Gyan Gotitamisham Girisham!
Karalam Mahakal Kaalam Kripalam,
Gunagar Sansarparam Nato’ham. 2

Tusharadrisankash Gauram Gambhiram,
Manobhoot Kotiprabhah Shri Shariram!
Sphuranmauli Kallolini Charugangga,
Lasad Bhalabhalendu Kanthe Bhujangga. 3

Chalatkundalam Bhru Sunetram Vishalam,
Prasannananam Neelakantham Dayalam!
|Mrigadhishacharmambaram Mundamalam,
Priyam Shankaram Sarvanatham Bhajami. 4

Prachandam Prakrishtam Pragalbham Paresham,
Akhandam Ajam Bhanukotiprakasham!
Trayah Shool Nirmoolanam Shoolapanim,
Bhaje’ham Bhavanipatim Bhavagamyam. 5

Kalatita Kalyan Kalpantakari,
Sada Sajjanananddata Purari!
Chidanand Sandoh Mohapahari,
Praseed Praseed Prabho Manmathari. 6

Na Yavat Umanath Padaravindam,
Bhajantih Lokey Parey Va Naranaam!
Na Tavat Sukham Shanti Santapanasham,
Praseed Prabho Sarvabhutadhivasam. 7

Na Janami Yogam Japam Naiva Poojam,
Nato’ham Sada Sarvada Shambhu Tubhyam!
Jara Janma Dukhauyda Tatapyamanam,
Prabho Pahi Apannamameesh Shambho. 8

Rudrashtakamidam Proktam Vipren Haratoshaye!
Ye Pathanti Nara Bhaktya Tesham Shambhuh Praseedati. 9

Namami Shammishan Lyrics in Hindi 

नमामि शमीशान निर्वाणरूपं
विभुं व्यापकं ब्रह्मवेदस्वरूपम् !
निजं निर्गुणं निर्विकल्पं निरीहं,
चिदाकाशमाकाशवासं भजेऽहम् ।। 1

निराकारमोंकारमूलं तुरीयं,
गिरा ज्ञान गोतीतमीशं गिरीशम् !
करालं महाकाल कालं कृपालं,
गुणागार संसारपारं नतोऽहम् ।। 2

तुषाराद्रि संकाश गौरं गंभीरं,
मनोभूत कोटिप्रभा श्री शरीरम् !
स्फुरन्मौलि कल्लोलिनी चारुगङ्गा,
लसद्भालबालेन्दु कण्ठे भुजङ्गा ।। 3

चलत्कुण्डलं भ्रू सुनेत्रं विशालं,
प्रसन्नाननं नीलकण्ठं दयालम् !
मृगाधीशचर्माम्बरं मुण्डमालं,
प्रियं शंकरं सर्वनाथं भजामि ।। 4

प्रचण्डं प्रकृष्टं प्रगल्भं परेशं,
अखण्डं अजं भानुकोटिप्रकाशम् !
त्रयः शूल निर्मूलनं शूलपाणिं,
भजेऽहं भवानीपतिं भावगम्यम् ।। 5

कलातीत कल्याण कल्पान्तकारी,
सदा सज्जनानन्ददाता पुरारी !
चिदानन्द संदोह मोहापहारी,
प्रसीद प्रसीद प्रभो मन्मथारी ।। 6

न यावत् उमानाथ पादारविन्दं,
भजन्तीह लोके परे वा नराणाम् !
न तावत् सुखं शान्ति सन्तापनाशं,
प्रसीद प्रभो सर्वभूताधिवासम् ।। 7

न जानामि योगं जपं नैव पूजां,
नतोऽहं सदा सर्वदा शम्भु तुभ्यम् !
जरा जन्म दुःखौद्य तातप्यमानं,
प्रभो पाहि आपन्नमामीश शम्भो ।। 8

रुद्राष्टकमिदं प्रोक्तं विप्रेण हरतोषये !
ये पठन्ति नरा भक्त्या तेषां शम्भुः प्रसीदति ।। 9

Meaning of Namami Shamishan Lyrics / Meaning of Rudrashtakam

O Shiva, the form of salvation, the omnipresent Brahma, the embodiment of the Vedas, the God of the north-east, and the master of all, I salute you.

I salute Shiva, who is formless, free from desire, conscious, and in the form of the sky. 1 

I salute the formless, the origin of Omkar, beyond knowledge and senses, the Lord of Kailash, fierce, merciful, and the Supreme God beyond the world. 2

He is as serene as the Himalayas, with a body shining like millions of Kamadevas. The Ganga rests on his head, the moon shines on his forehead, and a snake adorns his neck. 3

I worship Shri Shankarji, the beloved Lord, with beautiful earrings, eyebrows, and large eyes. He is kind, with a blue throat, wearing lion skin and a skull garland. 4

I worship Shri Shankarji, the fierce Supreme God, whose light is like millions of Suns. He removes suffering, holds a Trishul, is the husband of Bhawani, and can be attained through devotion. 5

O Lord, you are beyond all arts, the source of welfare, the doer of destruction, and the giver of joy to the virtuous. You are the enemy of Tripurasura, full of true bliss, the remover of delusion, and the stirrer of the mind. Please be pleased. 6

Without worshiping the feet of Shri Parvati’s husband, one cannot find peace or happiness in this world or the next, and their suffering never ends. O Lord residing in all hearts, please be pleased. 7

I neither know yoga, nor mantra, nor worship. O Shambhu, I bow to you. Protect me from the pains of old age and birth. O Shambhu, I bow to you. 8

Lord Shiva is especially pleased with those who recite this hymn with devotion. 9

How to recite Namami Shamishan?

The recitation of this prayer should be started on Monday. Also, for this, get up early in the morning and then wear clean clothes, and then spread a white cloth on the puja platform. Then after this, install Shivling or a picture of Lord Shiva and then light incense sticks. 

Also, offer white things to Lord Shiva and then recite this prayer. Also, at the end, distribute this prasad to everyone.

Benefits of Chanting Namami Shamishan: A Devotional Tribute to the Divine Shiva

1. Invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva

Namami Shamishan is an important mantra that honors Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer in the Hindu pantheon of deities.

If devotees chant the sacred hymn of Lord Shiva with devotion and true conviction, they will achieve closeness to Lord Shiva. Those who continuously chant the Rudrashtakam will receive blessings from Lord Shiva and attain spiritual progress, mental peace, and direction in their lives.

2. Attain inner peace and stability

Listening to, or chanting Namami Shamishan touches the human mind and heart in a very special way. Listening to the verses of this hymn with the inner ear can fix the chattering brain, reduce stress levels, and foster a sense of peacefulness. The types of chanting and loud recitation with the subsequent enforcement of rhythmic hum puts people into a state of equilibrium and harmony.

3. Purification of Negative energies

The Rudrashtakam or Namami Shamishan lyrics are chanted when purification is wanted. It is possible to state that through the multiple recitations of the sacred verses, one gains an effective means of driving out all sorts of evil influences and purifying the environment. It can reduce thinking in a wrong way, in a way that is detrimental to an individual, and as a result, improve their state of mind and mood.

4. Raising the Spiritual Self-Awareness

Regular chanting of the Namami Shamishan with a pure heart and intellect can help in the spiritual consciousness of people. The notes of the hymn are decorated with compassion, wisdom, and fearlessness of Lord Shiva as the God. Each of these verses presents an opportunity for people to reflect on the quality within them and attempt to develop it, thus promoting positive development.

5. Health and Physiological Health

The vibrations produced by chanting the Namami Shamishan cause certain effects on the gross physical level.  Some people have suggested that reading this hymn brings about the vibration of the body chakras hence bringing about the balance of these chakras. Therefore, in this same sense of harmonizing energy flow, we can praise its impact on health, wellness, and well-being.

Besides, the prayers in Rudrashtakam are something that can certainly help to reduce stress and hence bring healthful change in the body as well.

6. Development of a Cult of Devotion and Gratitude

Namami Shamishan or Rudrashtakam is not merely a set of verses, it is unto itself a reiterated prayer, paean to Lord Shiva. This hymn will enable people to practice the act of honoring and loving God across the heavenly realms. Making use of this practice contributes to spiritual growth brings the individual to develop a positive attitude towards life and prepares him for a richer life.


In conclusion, “Namami Shamishan: a devotional tribute to the Divine Shiva” is a powerful mantra to please Bholenath. 

Chanting Namami Shamishan or the Rudrashtakam has very special importance for the devotees of Lord Shiva. Aside from its religious and cultural value, this very old hymn offers numerous positive effects that personalize and touch on the emotional and spiritual aspects of human beings.

So in different invocation rituals like invoking blessings, balance, purification, healing, and devotion the Rudrashtakam is a valuable tool. Thus, accepting the practice of chanting this hymn, people start the spiritual path aimed at developing deeper personal and spiritual critiquing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Namami Shamishan is the divine Mantra of Lord Shiva, also known as the Rudrashtakam. By chanting this miraculous mantra devotees try to please Mahadev and he blesses them with good fortune. This mantra is composed by Goswami Tulsidas in praise of Lord Shiva.

Reciting Namami Shamishan on Monday is considered extremely fruitful. Apart from this, Pradosh Kaal is considered to be the best time to worship Lord Shiva, and reciting Rudrashtakam at this time is auspicious.

It is mentioned in the scriptures that regular recitation of Namami Shamishan removes all troubles in a moment. Lord Shri Ram also recited Shiva Rudrashtakam Stuti to win over an enemy like Ravana. As a result, Shri Ram killed Ravana and conquered Lanka. By chanting Shiva Rudrashtakam Paath, even the biggest enemy can be conquered.

Lord Shiva is worshiped in Namami Shamishan Path. Namami Shamishan is an important mantra dedicated to Lord Shiva, the destroyer and the transformer in the Hindu pantheon of deities.